Grow Our Own
The aim of the Grow Our Own Workforce project is to foster and develop a workforce that serves the health needs of our community that reflects the diversity of Counties Manukau.
This aim will also, in turn, improve Maaori and Pacific youth employment within Counties Manukau health. The GOOW project was created and funded by the Tindall Foundation in partnership with CM health, with the initiative to combat the disparities through a number of strategies and programmes. CM Health has the fastest growing population in New Zealand.

Health Science Academies
The Health Science Academies were developed to address the disparities between Maaori and Pacific students and non-Maori and Pacific students. Using a pipeline approach students are encouraged and guaranteed support through secondary school to tertiary studies and then into employment with CM Health. The Health science academies encourage student, teacher and whanau relationships.
Having this extra support of whanau and teachers creates an all-round positive environment for the students to thrive, reflecting in their successful NCEA results. To maintain student's motivation and attention Health science academies offers career exposure opportunities, by talking to other Maaori and Pacific health professionals and engaging in "hands-on experience" of health sector jobs.
For more information on other roles in health, click here.
Medical Laboratory Technician
Kaihangarau Taiwhanga Rongoā
Tapuhi ā-Whare
Health Services Manager
Kaiwhakahaere Ratonga Hauora
- 3-5 years' training usually required.
- Health services managers with one to four years’ experience usually earn ($60,000 - $100,000).
- Health services managers with four or more years’ experience usually earn ($100,000 - $216,000).
Kaimātai/Kaitirotiro Taringa
- 5 years of training usually required for audiologists.
- Audiometrists earn ($55,000 - $75,000).
- Audiologists earn ($45,000 - $110,000).
Pūkenga Whakaita Kai (Ngā Tohunga Mātai Kai)
- > 4 years of training required.
- Dietitians usually earn ($49,000 - $100,000).
Rata Mate Hinengaro
- 12 years of training required.
- Trainee psychiatrists usually earn ($72,000 - $178,000).
- Experienced psychiatrists usually earn ($152,000 - $217,000).